November 22, 2009

gratitude, day 8 (ish)

Saturday(the true day 8) was so full that I did not have time to pause and write about how very thankful I am for all that occurred. Let's see...
On the Saturday before Thanksgiving, my church has a big celebration. It is, for me, one of the best days on the church calendar, and my favorite non-worship event. This has evolved over the years, from being an all-out dinner cooked in the church from soup to nuts (well, from jello salad - with questionable mayonnaise topping, as I recall - to pumpkin pie.) The ladies of the church - and it was always the ladies, of course - got pretty tired, and then they retired, and no one stepped up to take their place in such a monumental endeavor. We didn't want to end the tradition, though, so we adapted (hello, Mr. Darwin!) and now it's a pot luck. The volunteer cooks (and one head chef - hello, Anne!) prepare the turkey, dressing and cranberries. The rest of the meal - mashed potatoes, sweet potatoes, veggies and salads - we bring to the dinner. And oh, what culinary delights! Some folks (moi) bring the same thing every year, and we all look forward to our favorites (hello, Berta's heart-attack-potatoes!)
This year Mom & Dad actually made it home from their annual fall road trip in time to join me at the dinner. I haven't been able to really sit with them to hear stories about their travels, but there were non-family members at the table, so I got to hear about some of their trip. Dad's off-hand comment about "what we'd really like to do next year" nearly made me choke on my turkey. The trip is strenuous, and Dad's health has not been great, I didn't really think they'd go this year! I guess it's good to have something to look forward to... Lord, have mercy!
And then, after dinner, the best part! We have an annual talent show! This, too, has evolved over the years, depending on who is in the congregation. We've had 10-year olds with clarinet solos (hello Ed!), Dana Carvey's "church lady" impressions (hi Geoff!), readings of "Gunga Din", youth club skits, classical music, songwriter's presentations... oh, how I could go on. It's always such a delight, and (current era) always so darned impressive that we have so very many talented people in our congregation!
This year we evolved yet again, and combined the evening with our monthly Open Mic night. We had two guest acts, as well as the slew of Bethany performers, and oh, boy it was so fun. One of the couples did an hilarious rendition of a scene from Oklahoma! and ended up smooching. (In church! the scandal!) I did my annual reading of this delightful writing by Ian Frasier. (It's now in book form, too!) There was a song about hellfire - with a really tight band - and all of the music was just amazing. I came home with a glow, and that didn't wear off for ... oh, hours and hours.

And for these things, I am truly grateful.

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