December 07, 2008

BEAR INVADES BEDROOM - victim survives

This is Cuppy. Sometimes she sleeps in my bed. She's cuddly and adorable.

I adopted her, with her twin brother Pyogi, when I was in Yosemite. (Pyogi lives with T.)

Well. This morning, I woke to this:

I can't say I haven't been warned about Yosemite bears. Thank goodness I emptied my bedroom trash before going to sleep last night! Something tells me that Toy Story might not be fiction after all...

1 comment:

Bertamom said...

Have you ever seen the movie "The Christmas Toy"? Same idea - toys coming to life when the people aren't around - it's a Jim Henson. Glad no one was hurt in the incident . . . better keep an eye on that bear of yours.