December 29, 2008

Christmastide: day five (a temporary setback)

No gold rings today...

I might have been suspicious when it took over three hours to come up with some decent flowers Saturday afternoon. (Poor planning? Foul mood? nope; don't think so...) Then I had to - had to - go to bed before 10. Dragged myself to church, mostly because Glenda Hope was preaching (never turn down the opportunity to hear a saint preach), but also because I had to arrange the afore-mentioned (semi-decent) flowers. Came home, couldn't even imagine making my own lunch. Crashed on the couch. Woke three hours later, but only because I set an alarm.

Thus, I have spent the fifth day of Christmas either asleep in bed or here, in the Chair of Doom. Still in my jammies. I did manage a shower, but I don't know if that pile of laundry is going to get any shorter soon. I'm sure I'll feel fine tomorrow... and it's a short week... no problem.

1 comment:

Bertamom said...

Sorry you hit a "funk" - hope you are feeling better by now. And don't call it the Chair of Doom -- maybe it's the Chair of Restfulness! That's how I like to think of mine . . . Chair of Doggyness, Chair of Knittingness, Chair of WhateverIhappentobedoingatthetime - ness. And yay for short weeks!