February 20, 2009


I know - at least, I think I know - that the rest of the world is frigid and frostbitten, covered in snow or brown grass or mud. But here in my part of the world, Winter is brief and Spring is coming. She will not wait another month for the Equinox; no, she is bulging and ready to burst forth. The Summer-browned hills are beginning to green, buds are shooting on the bare trees, plum trees are covered with pink blossoms (at least, those which haven't been washed away in the saturating rains of the past week!)

Between rainstorms, we've had a couple of beautiful days. Yesterday I spent more than two hours in the garden. And by garden, of course, I mean the 3'x12' slab outside my back door that passes for a balcony. I ripped out the dead and ragged, planted new and colorful posies, and peeked at little tiny seedlings. I sure wish I could remember what seeds I planted!
It is as therapeutic as anything I know for soothing the mind and soul to spend time in a garden.

Oh, and it's not just outdoors where life is springing forth:
Yeah, the garlic and ginger know Spring is coming, too!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yes, I believe in Spring!!!It will come up here, too, in full force. Thanks for the reminder!