June 23, 2009

vacation commencement

I accomplish so little when I stay home. I don't know why; perhaps it's habit. (It may be laziness.) It is relaxing, to be sure, but it can also be quite frustrating. Especially towards the end of the day, when I look around and realize that this opportunity has frittered away, once again.

Not sure what to do about that. The relaxation ~ down time ~ sure feels healthy and right at the time, but one does not wish to slip into utter slothfulness, either. It is, indeed, a slippery slope for me.

Today ~ today! ~ is the first day of a very brief vacation for me. (I will return to work on Tuesday, so it's really only 4 days off.) It's 11 in the morning, and I'm off to an okay start. The dishes are done, the bed is made. Floors vacuumed (a BIG deal for me, it's a chore that I nearly never accomplish) just a few days ago. I have some work to do at my desk, including this note, which will take me until about noon to accomplish. And then ~ and then! ~ I am free.

I have plans to tend my garden all afternoon. If all goes according to plan, there will be pictures by the morrow!

Tomorrow I plan to check the camping equipment, plan a menu, grocery shop and do some baking and pre-cooking for the long weekend. Thursday after lunch I'll head south, towards Santa Cruz, for the annual Quickert reunion campout.

I'm so eager to see my extended family!
(group photo of the 1999 campout -- those kids are a lot bigger now!)

1 comment:

Bertamom said...

I'm the same way - give me a day off at home, and I'm likely to get a couple of chore-type things done, but often I'll do more in the way of watching movies and knitting. Oh well.