August 20, 2009

roller coasters and morning glories

Yesterday my facebook status read, "stop this rollercoaster, I want to get off". I recieved a couple of responses - from one, who thought I was upset by the economy, perhaps: "Life, like any roller coaster, has its ups and downs. I agree we're all in a 'down' period, but don't get off the ride just yet. We'll be heading up soon." Well... that's nice, but not really applicable to what I meant in my post. Another, more encouraging (and to the point) comment: "There's an end to every ride, this one, too. Hang in there."

By the time I heard from that second friend, things had already (and again) begun to change. I am on a medication rollercoaster - since last week and ending next week, perhaps on a too-high dose at the start, and the taper is finally taking effect. I am feeling more like myself, thank God.

In fact, maybe a little better than myself just now ~ which I find lovely and refreshing. I've had a bunch of ideas about things to post here, and if I can stop long enough to compose them while they still make sense you'll see them here soon.

Meanwhile, out in the garden ~

I have morning glories!
Tangled amidst the nasturtiums!
I cannot tell you how amazing this seems to me. Extraordinary. Sure, they are magenta, not the blue ones, but I don't really mind about that.
Yay me!

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