October 17, 2009

random musings whilst waiting for the oven to finish

I decided to bake up some pumpkin bread for open mic night tonight... it's in the oven with about 10 minutes left; I should be there in 15 minutes; it will take 30 minutes for the loaves to cool enough to slice. You do the math. ;o)

I wonder why people think President Obama hasn't done enough in his first months in office. I think the changes that have transpired are amazing. In the time it takes for a human to go from embryo to newborn, he has begun to reverse the effects of 8 previous years of disaster including:
  • the standing of the US in the international community
  • two wars
  • averting a depression, making the way up out of a recession
  • turned the national debate to health care reform
  • stayed cool throughout attacks on his character, racial slurs and other ignorant obscenities - from his fellow Americans
Keep on going, Mr. President, and may God protect you and your family.
Oh, and about that "healthcare debate"? I wish to God that the discussion would differentiate between health care and health insurance. Seems it all gets lumped into one thing, and that seems to confuse many a good point. I also want to research health insurance company profits in the last decade. I'm certain that they eclipse any profits made by physicians or hospitals by billions of dollars. People in the medical community do NOT go into the field to become rich anymore, I guarantee you!
I've had a birthday since my last post recently. I am now in my extremely late forties..... ;o)
Oh, it's time to change clothes and get going. Thanks for reading!

1 comment:

Bertamom said...

It was yummy bread, by the way!